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Three factory chimneys, one producing heavy smoke

Today's headlines are disheartening, but we must continue to take action.

Reports published today show that ­levels of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere rose more quickly in 2024 than ever recorded. Concentrations of the gas are now over 50% higher than before humans started burning fossil fuels.

The Met Office described this increase as ‘incompatible’ with the international Paris Agreement to limit global warming to 1.5C above pre-industrial levels.

We can see the effects of climate change all around us: this isn’t a ‘tomorrow’ problem. In this month alone, areas of the UK have been hit by severe flooding, requiring many people to be rescued; and fires have been raging in Los Angeles.

Taking action

We know that these disasters have a direct impact on mental health, and ‘climate anxiety’ is becoming increasingly common, particularly among young people. At Everyturn, we therefore take our impact on the planet very seriously. We’ve committed to achieving net zero by 2030, now only five years away.

It’s easy to become disheartened by headlines like these, or when we see the increasingly devastating impacts of the climate and nature crisis.

But we must continue to act. Every fraction of a degree of warming has enormous planetary impacts, but so does every fraction of a degree we prevent from rising.

We know that the climate crisis can feel an overwhelming topic, and there’s a lot of science to grapple with, so one of our goals at Everyturn this year is to become a Carbon Literate Organisation, using our new and accredited Carbon Literacy course. We’re pleased it’s already going down well with our colleagues!

The key to climate action is to feel empowered and clear on the things we can all do to tackle this growing crisis. We’d encourage anyone to attend a Carbon Literacy course, which helps to decode the science, explain what the climate crisis really means, and give lots of practical ways to take action.

Large-scale change

But we also know the solution to the climate crisis doesn’t lie with individuals. Governments, private companies, and non-profit organisations like Everyturn absolutely need to lead the way and play their part.

We’re proud to be taking significant steps at Everyturn, and in 2024 we hosted our first sustainability roundtable event for other voluntary, community, and social enterprise (VCSE) organisations, to help others on their journey.

Despite today’s headline, or perhaps motivated by it, we will continue to reduce Everyturn’s carbon footprint and take every action we can to inspire and support other organisations to do the same.

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