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Access Talking Therapies

Get Urgent Help

It’s an easy process

I’ve not had talking therapy before and I’m nervous about what it’ll be like. Read our guide to talking openly about your mental health.
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An illustration of a teapot pouring into a cup
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An illustration of an ear

Step 1 - Arranging your assessment

Once we receive your referral, a friendly member of our team will get in touch with you to arrange your assessment appointment.

Step 2 - Your assessment

This is nothing to worry about! Your assessment will usually take place over the phone, taking 30-45 minutes, and is an opportunity for you to explain what’s been troubling you.

Step 3 - Deciding next steps

The practitioner who assesses you will then explain which therapy option might work best for you. Together, you’ll make a decision about the next steps. If our service is not right for you, we will let you know of other services that can help.

Step 4 - Getting some more details

We will send you some questionnaires to fill in, so that we can see which areas to focus on in your therapy. This will also help us to see your progress and make sure it’s working for you.

Step 5 - Starting therapy

Depending on the therapy that’s right for you, this could be in-person, over the phone, or video call, a live web series, or practical online tools. The number of sessions will be decided by you and your therapist.

Step 6 - Your therapy journey

Your therapy will focus on your goals, giving you tools and techniques to help you improve your mood and stay well in the future.

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