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me Recite Me

Our website uses Recite Me – a web accessibility tool allowing you to customise our website in the way that works best for you.

Find out more by watching the video playlist on this page or view our guide below.

Recite Me Toolbar Guide

Rewind icon

Rewind to the previous paragraph of text

play icon

Click the Play button to read the text aloud

fastforward icon

Skip forward to next paragraph of text

minus icon

Decrease the text size

Text size icon

Change the font

Plus sign icon

Increase the text size

Colour blind Wheel

Change the background, text and link colours

Reading ruler icon

Enable the Reading Ruler

Text dimensions icon

Change the text dimensions

Dictionary icon


Plain text mode

Remove images and view in plain text mode

mp3 icon

Highlight text then click to download as an MP3

Everyturn's translate countries

Translate the text into a different language

magnifyer icon

Magnify what is on the screen

settings icon

Adjust your Recite settings

user login icon

User log in/out

Our guide to using Recite Me


Screen Reader

Our screen reader helps people who are visually impaired or neuro-divergent to perceive and understand our website content.

Key features include:

  • All content read aloud in a natural voice
  • 35 different language options
  • Speed controls and word-by-word highlighting for total customisation
  • The Recite Me toolbar allows you to highlight any text and create an MP3 file, which downloads automatically to your computer. Audio is created in a natural-sounding conversational style.
recite mock


Our website is customisable to a way that works for you. Recite Me supports people who are dyslexic, visually impaired or have a learning disability to change the way our website looks, so you can experience it the way it is intended.

Key features include:

  • Text size and colour
  • Website background colour
  • Text font type, including Open-Dyslexic
  • Text only option, where all styling is stripped away. This leaves text only for your viewing, much like a document

1 in 5

Around 1 in 5 people in the UK has a disability


10-15% of people have dyslexia


Speak english as a second language

recite mock 3


Reading content online can be a challenge for some people. To simplify and support you to read our content, Recite Me provides four tools.

Key features include:

  • Ruler – to read line by line with no distractions of what is below
  • Reading mask – to mask away 90% of our website, leaving only the information you want to concentrate on
  • Magnifier – to zoom in to sections of the text making reading more clearly easier
  • Margins – when in text only mode, you can use the margin feature to position content in the best place for you


1 in 10 people don’t speak English as their first language in the UK.

By using Recite Me, you can quickly and easily translate all our website content into over 100 languages, including 35 text to speech voices.

The translation function changes everything you see on our website, as shown in our example image.

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