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Let's talk to Wendy, Psychological Wellbeing Practitioner (PWP) here at Everyturn. We value all of our colleagues, and if you're thinking about applying for a role with us, why not have a read through some of our colleague stories? Read all about how they found their roles, and navigating their career journeys in the past few months and years.

Meet Wendy!

Wendy, Psychological Wellbeing Practitioner has been with us at Everyturn for 18 months. We asked Wendy a few questions about her experience so far…

What’s the best thing about working at Everyturn?

“My colleagues – supportive, kind and there for you when you need them.”

What is the most rewarding part of your role?

“When people recover from anxiety or low mood and say ‘it’s the best thing I’ve ever done’ ‘I can’t thank you enough.’ ‘You’ve been amazing.’ and you know you’ve had a direct impact in changing their life for the better.”

What part of the role made you want to work with us?

“Training for a recognised qualification, plus job satisfaction from supporting and helping people to improve their mental health.”

If someone was thinking about applying for a role like yours, what advice or encouragement would you give them?

“Trust the process. It can be really intense and you need to be able to commit time for the study but it’s worth it once you’re qualified.”

Thanks for chatting with us all about your role, Wendy!

If you’d like to find out more about our fantastic benefits and current opportunities, make sure to visit our careers page.

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