We’re delighted to introduce our new Community Engagement Manager for Nottinghamshire, Martha Highton.
Martha has recently stepped into this brand-new, innovative role for Everyturn Mental Health and has since hit the ground running!
Martha’s role is new to the organisation, and is designed to help us to really embed our Everyturn Mental Health service in the communities of Nottinghamshire. All with the goal of helping us to support more people, especially communities who often find it difficult to access talking therapies.
Martha has already been getting out and about to meet people in Nottinghamshire! Martha has joined us at the perfect time, as we’re currently running an advertising campaign in the area, to remind people that our support is free and confidential, and we’re here to help.
Since Martha is in an excellent position to advise us on the best ways to reach people in this area!
We’ve been chatting to Martha to find out a bit more about her role, the work she has being doing so far, and the kind of things she likes to get up to outside of work.

If you could describe your role in three words, what would they be?
Diverse, interesting and rewarding.
What is it about your work that gets you out of bed in the morning?
The feeling that my role helps more people to access the support that they need.
What is your favourite thing about the team you work with?
They are so supportive and caring, the mix of professionalism and fun is great!
What would you say has been your biggest achievement in your role?
My Radio Nottingham interview! Two weeks in and I was promoting Everyturn Mental Health on the radio, I was pleased with how it went.
What piece of advice or encouragement would you give someone who was thinking of joining our organisation?
Go for it! It is such a worthwhile and fantastic organisation to work for.
What is a day in your life like?
You can often find me driving around the county, going to meetings, events, delivering presentations and talking to so many people. Every day is different!
Outside of work, what can we find you getting up to?
I love to be out socialising with my friends and family or cuddled up with a good book!
Look out for our next ‘2 minutes with’ feature, where we will be talking to another new colleague!