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Access Talking Therapies

Get Urgent Help

We have been working closely with Karol Marketing on this project, which is focused on empowering people with knowledge and confidence to recognise when someone they know might be struggling with mental ill-health. We want to be able to help people who haven’t been feeling themselves lately to get back on their feet.

By raising awareness around the signs that someone might be struggling, we hope that friends and family will be able to recognise these signs and encourage their loved ones to get some support. Our NHS talking therapy service is free and confidential to people living in Nottinghamshire, and people can refer themselves to us without having to go through their GP.

We are also equipping people with emergency contacts for organisations that provide urgent support for people in crisis.

We have been coming up with creative and innovative ways of sharing this vital information and have made some eye-catching designs for beer mats!

We hope that by getting these beer mats into local pubs, we can support people who are out socialising and equip them to be able to check in with their friends and family.

To accompany the beer mats, we are also launching radio ads, postcard door-drops, and campaign billboards. We hope that all of these elements will work together to help the local Nottinghamshire community access our support and improve their mental wellbeing.

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