After yesterday’s general election, the UK has a new Labour Government.
With nearly 2 million people currently on an NHS waiting list for mental health support, it’s crucial that the Government makes mental health one of its immediate priorities.
We welcome the Government’s manifesto commitment to implementing the recommendations for reforming the Mental Health Act, which would give more dignity and independence to people with mental health issues.
We also welcome the Government’s focus on intervening earlier to bring down waiting lists. We absolutely believe that treating a person’s mental health issues means looking at their whole life – including housing, finances, physical health, employment, and their support networks.
We call on the Government to ensure that the commitment to 8,500 new mental health staff in its first term will include many who are focused on giving people support in their communities. Practical and emotional support helps people to resolve the issues impacting on their mental health, while reducing waiting lists for people who need clinical interventions.
At Everyturn Mental Health, we look forward to working with our local MPs of all parties to develop and deliver the mental health support our communities need, to make sure no one struggles alone.